CBD international building is a pure grade a 5A intelligent office building, attracting more than half of the foreign enterprises to enter. It is truly an international grade a office building. Building to the total number of floors on 24 (23, 24 for LOFT layer), 5 floor underground, a total area of 73730 ㎡, is the most famous CBD office building.
CBD international building, developed and built by Beijing energy investment (group) co., LTD., is one of the earliest class a office buildings in CBD, and has made important contributions to the development of CBD. It is the class a office building favored by foreign enterprises. The price and quality of the building are the most attractive in CBD, and it is the preferred place for enterprises to work.
CBD international building is located in the southwest mongkok of Beijing central business district, adjacent to chang 'an street, facing the first embassy district, south yitong hui north road, 150 meters east of the CBD is the largest concentrated green space. Blue island, guiyou, saite and other famous commercial buildings as well as numerous cultural and entertainment facilities promote the diversity of community life and improve the quality of work and life.
商 城:财富中心购物中心、侨福芳草地购物中心、北京赛特购物中心、中海广场购物中心、银泰中心购物中心
餐 饮:日坛涮肉、那家小馆(永安里店)、川骄海鲜自助、眉州东坡酒楼(永安里店)、申德勒加油站西餐、日坛饭庄山茶、云南菜(永安里店)
酒 店:万豪酒店(建国门店)、北京长安街W酒店、长富宫饭店、北京广播大厦酒店、北京瑞吉酒店、金谷琪珑大酒店
银 行:中国邮政储蓄银行(北京分行)、锦州银行(北京分行)、招商银行(建国门支行)、中国民生银行(建国门支行)、中国工商银行(北京站支行)、交通银行(建国门支行)、上海银行(北京分行)
超 市:幸福超市建国门店、华润万家(建国门店)、赛特超市、Ole精品超市(双子座店)、世纪华联超市(建华南路店)、秀水超市
地 铁:1号线永安里站
公 交:永安里路口西:1路、9路、43路、58路、120路、126路、619路、668路、673路、000京东运乔建材城快车、夜1路、夜24路。永安里路口北:28路、43路、120路、126路、403路、639路、673路、夜24路。日坛路:1路、9路、43路、58路、120路、126路、403路、639路、673路、804、000京东运乔建材城快车、快速直达专线608路、夜1路、夜24路。大北窑西:58路、夜1路。大北窑南:28路、57路、72路、91路、98路、348路、402路、669路、669路快车、814路、818路、818路快车、846路、848路、938快
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